The Mobilia Award for
the History of Road Transport
Winners of the Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport
Jäppinen, Jussi: Viimeisen kesän maisemia. Aikamatkailua Suomessa 1939–2019. Atena, 2019.
Kastari, Pirkko-Liisa: Artturi Tiura, Linja-automiehen elämä ja autot, 2019.
Tolmunen, Tapio: Viisi minuuttia seuraavaan lähtöön – HSL-alueen joukkoliikenteen historia, HSL, 2016.
Nummelin, Markku: Valvottua liikennettä – DDR:n kulkuneuvoja, Kustantaja Laaksonen, 2015.
Lilja, Erkki: Jäämerenkäytävä – Pohjois-Suomen rata- ja tiehankkeiden historia: näkijöitä – tekijöitä – kulkijoita – salaisia suunnitelmia. Hipputeos Oy Raimo Niemelä, 2013.
Rajasalo, Jorma; Lehtonen, Timo; Laitinen, Hannu: Pula-ajan bussit 1945–1956, SLHS, 2011.
Korsisaari, Eva: Yhtä matkaa – Korsisaari-yhtiöt 80 vuotta, Helsinki 2009.
Antila, Kimmo (toim.): Pyörällä halki aikojen – Velomania! Tampere 2007.
Mauranen, Tapani: Kräsh… ja turvallisesti eteenpäin – A-Vakuutuksen seitsemän vuosikymmentä. Helsinki 2003.
Kurkinen, Jari: Suomen autokoriteollisuuden historia. Autokoriteollisuus ry, Helsinki 2002.
Rules for the Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport
The aim of the Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport is to promote the production, dissemination, and publication of high-quality historical information in the field of road transport history for the benefit of Finnish society, Mobilia, and its supporting communities.
This is done by encouraging researchers and research teams, journalists, and enthusiasts to tackle issues and research questions related to the history of road transport and by rewarding meritorious work.
The award and organisers
The Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport is worth € 4,000. It is donated by the Mobilia Foundation’s supporting communities, with the founding communities together donating 45%, the professional communities 40%, and the hobby communities 15% of the prize money.
In addition, the award committee may award special prizes and honorary prizes in connection with the Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport.
The prize is awarded every two years on the anniversary of the Mobilia Foundation on 30 January or on a weekday the week before.
The costs of organising the award are borne by the Mobilia Foundation, which keeps separate accounting of the award fund.
The Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport may be given to a researcher, group of researchers, student, journalist, or another person who has published a history book, study, thesis, documentary programme, or other work published in paper or electronic form in the field of road transport since the previous award was given out.
The winners are entitled to use the Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport logo in connection with the winning work and in related marketing.
Award committee
The winner of the Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport is selected by a committee of 3 full members and 2 alternates appointed by the Mobilia Foundation’s Body of Representatives and one distinguished historian and one representative of the media appointed by the Mobilia Foundation’s Board of Directors. The members appointed by the Body of Representatives should preferably represent the founding communities (1 member), the automotive and transport organisations supporting the foundation (1 member), and hobby communities (1 member), respectively.
The committee is chaired by an external member of the Foundation with expertise in the field of history. The chair shall be paid an expense allowance to be agreed upon separately.
The award committee is appointed by the Mobilia Foundation’s Body of Representatives for a period of two awards.
The committee will set the evaluation criteria before examining the nominations. The committee must publish the reasons for its decision. If the committee is not unanimous, the winner is put to a vote. The committee may also decide not to give out the award at all. If the award is not given out, applications will next be accepted in the following award period as stipulated by these rules. If the award has not been given out, works that have applied for the award in that year will no longer be eligible for the award.
The award cannot be given to a work whose author is a member of the committee or has participated in a working group or editorial board of a work submitted for nomination.
The secretary of the committee is the CEO of the Mobilia Foundation. Neither the secretary nor any other person employed by the Mobilia Foundation may be a member of the award committee or otherwise participate in its decision-making. Their participation in the creation of a work nominated for the award is not an obstacle to the nomination.
The Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport will be given out on the anniversary of the Mobilia Foundation, 30 January, or the week before if the anniversary falls on a weekend.
Registration of the candidates
Applications for the Mobilia Award for the History of Road Transport must be submitted by the closing date for entries, which is the end of September of the publication year of the award announcement, preceding the year of the award. The award announcement will be published in a national newspaper if possible, in the magazines published by the Mobilia Foundation’s supporting communities, and on the Mobilia website. The award will also be communicated to publishers, universities, and educational institutions.
To apply for the selection process, the candidates must submit a free-form application stating:
the date of publication or completion of the work and the publisher
the personal and contact details of the authors
a brief summary of the content and specific merits of the work
any previous awards and honours for the work
the awards for which the work has been nominated
any other factors that may affect the application
Six nominated works must be submitted to the committee and the Mobilia Foundation at the time of registration. An electronic work can be submitted electronically. Participating works and their authors will be published on the Mobilia website and may also be featured in other Mobilia communications.
Submitted materials will not be returned.
Entrants accept the rules of the Mobilia Award and declare that they own the rights to the works they submit.
Registrations with possible attachments and works shall be sent to:
Mobilia, Kustaa Kolmannen tie 75, 36270 Kangasala, Finland.
Heidi Rytky, tel. +358 40 900 6641