Mobilia’s road transport history collections consist of the collection owned by the Mobilia Foundation and the collections of objects, archives, images, and books managed by Mobilia under service contracts.
Collections are recorded systematically and within the framework of Mobilia’s collection policy.
Most of the collections are catalogued in the digital collection management system eMobilia. The catalogued and digitised collections can be accessed via the eKokoelmat browser. The collection browser opens in a new window with a link to the browser instructions.
Some of the collections are on display in the Mobilia exhibitions. Guided tours of the collections, which are normally closed to the public, are available.

Library and archive opening hours
The archive and library are open by appointment.
Please make an appointment to visit the library or the archives well in advance.
Inquiries and bookings
Eve Juhkam, tel. +358 40 900 6657, [email protected]
Basic information about the collections
Exhibit collections
The road traffic history collection contains around 7,000 exhibits, 355 of which are vehicles.
Mobilia’s archive contains about 900 shelf metres of automotive and road documents, technical manuals, brochures, old vehicle records from the Häme Province, newspaper clippings, etc.
Photo archive
The photo archive contains around 45,000 images, of which around 36,000 are browsable through the eKokoelmat browser.
The library has around 8,200 volumes.
Information service
The archive and library materials are available to customers on weekdays from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm by appointment.
Archive reservations and photo and information service enquiries
Eve Juhkam, tel. +358 40 900 6657, [email protected]
The basic information services are free of charge for customers.
Photo services and extensive data searches are subject to a fee. Delivery times range from one day to two weeks.
Donations to collections
The Mobilia Foundation’s collections are built up through donations. The recording is guided by the collection management’s collections policy. The collections contain key materials relating to the history of Finnish road transport. The vehicle collection contains ten of the most common makes of cars in Finland from each decade, starting from the 1920s. The inclusion of vehicles from before 1920 will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Donations are accepted within the framework of the collection policy. For donations, please contact the staff working on the Mobilia collections:
Large objects (cars and other vehicles)
Museum Master Tommi Aromaa, tel. +358 40 900 6670, [email protected]
Museum Assistant Mikko Pentti, tel. +358 44 716 7634, [email protected]
Small objects
Museum Assistant Mikko Pentti, tel. +358 44 716 7634, [email protected]
Photo and archive materials
Museum Assistant Anniina Salminen, tel. +358 40 900 6643, [email protected]
Books and magazines
Collection Assistant Eve Juhkam, tel. +358 40 900 6657, [email protected]
Collections policy
Mobilia’s collection policy guides Mobilia’s collection activities. A collection policy is a museum-specific tool that provides information and practical guidance on the composition and content of the museum’s collections, as well as on the management, accumulation, and removal of collections.
Mobilia’s collection policy is a public document that can be consulted via the link below. Click on the link to open the collection policy as a PDF file. Mobilia’s collection policy is updated once a year and also includes information on collection volumes.