Why on Earth Do We Drive?

Reflecting on the various meanings of driving

The exhibition Why on Earth Do We Drive? explores the history of driving up to the present day. The exhibition reveals, among other things, why the car was considered a more environmentally friendly alternative to the horse and who the first drivers were. It also delves into the emotions and reasons behind driving.

Kuvassa vaaleanvihreä Moskovitsh kuvattuna näyttelytilassa etuviistosta. Sen takana näkyy metsämaisema ja värillisillä pohjilla olevia lainauksia autoilusyistä.

The passenger car holds a strong position in Finnish mobility and everyday life. The new exhibition explores the history of motoring, asking how we arrived at this point. While planning this exhibition, Mobilia asked drivers about their reasons for using a car. Many were eager to share their personal motivations, and the survey received a total of 245 responses. For many, driving is a necessity for getting around, but for others, a car means much more than just transportation. A car can be a hobby or even a private space for gathering one’s thoughts.

1920-luvun kanttimallisen Fiatin keula tiukassa lähikuvassa. Auton takaa näkyy mustavalkoinen 20-luvun suurkuva kanttiautoista parkissa.

The car became an environmental issue in the late 1960s. Today, the most significant technological shift in passenger transport is the electrification of the vehicle fleet, driven primarily by environmental concerns.

Why on Earth Do We Drive? at Mobilia from March 21 to December 19, 2025.

Näyttelyhallin tekstiseinäkkeet näkyvät taustalla, niiden edessä kolme mallinukkea edustamassa mielenosoittajia banderollin kanssa, jossa lukee Miksi ihmeessä me autoilemme?