On the Road

Leisure road trips

Finnish leisure travel has changed significantly over time. People have spent their free time sightseeing, going to their summer cottages and visiting relatives. They have made the journey by two-wheelers, cars, camper vans, buses and hitchhiking.

Tourism in the early 20th century was mainly for the wealthiest. It also required a spirit of adventure, as some people travelled abroad on a bicycle – even a high-wheeled one. In the 1920s and 1930s, motorists’ organisations promoted car travels, especially tourism in Lapland. Indeed, Lapland has been a popular destination for decades.

Kuvassa on näyttelytekstin edessä ison etupyörän varaan rakennettu isopyöräinen sekä kaksi nykyaikaisempaa polkupyörää, jotka on pakattu matkapakaasein pyörällä matkustamista varten.

Buses and coaches have been providing opportunities for leisure travel since the 1920s. Over the years, a typical charter bus trip has been a one or two-day trip to a cultural event, for example. Of course, leisure trips have also been made by regular scheduled buses. In this exhibition, you can get a taste of Finland in the 1960s by watching a film of how the Post Office lured travellers on board their buses. A postbus from the same decade is on display.

60-luvun Postin oranssi Vanaja-merkkinen postibussi seisoo näyttelyhallissa.

The 1960s and 1970s saw an increase in people’s leisure time and wealth, making it increasingly possible for more and more people to go travelling. As the number of cars increased, camping tourism grew in the 1960s. Initially, people mainly stayed in tents. In the 1980s, overnight stays in cottages, caravans and camper vans became more common.

The oldest caravan in the exhibition is a self-made sleeping caravan from the 1950s. Although there were still few caravans, caravanners had their own interest organisation by 1964. You can see brand new equipment at the exhibition stand of the Finnish Touring Vehicle Importers’ Association, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

SMW-merkkisen 1970-luvun matkailuvaunun kaareva takaosa jatkaa vaunun takana olevassa mustavalkoisessa kuvassa olevaa leirintäalue teemaa.

In 1972, the national Touring Finlandia Motorcycle Club was founded for touring motorcyclists. The exhibition showcases the many different travel experiences of motorcyclists. There will also be motorcycles on display that have been used to travel the world.

On the Road in Mobilia from 22 March to 20 December 2024

Näyttelyn moottoripyörärivistö, jonka takana kaksi motoristin ajopukuun puettua nukkea ja suurkuva metsäiseen maisemaan kaartuvasta asfalttitiestä.