Miniature model cars as a hobby – Seven different approaches
The building of miniature model cars in Finland is at a very high level by international standards, and Finland has pioneers in the hobby who have even created practices in the field. Finnish enthusiasts are known by their name and regarded as role models around the world.
The invitational exhibition at Mobilia in the summer of 2024 will feature the work of seven long-standing Finnish miniature model car builders. The exhibition will also introduce the model car builders: Juha Airio, Petri Hiltunen, Eero Kumanto, Niko Niemi, Tapani Rauramo, Tuomas Seppälä and Jarkko Syrjänen. They have been selected for the exhibition on the basis of their model car production, with the idea that they are the ones who are valued in the hobby.
Model making is a hobby that requires precise eye–hand coordination, and it lives on as a strong part of other craft traditions in an ever-digitising world. A small number of enthusiasts have taken the subject to a very advanced level and have devoted a great deal of time and effort to the hobby.
The aim of the exhibition is to highlight the pioneers of this marginal hobby and to open up the demanding nature of the hobby to the public. The exhibition focuses mainly on scale models of cars.
Scale in Mobilia from 7 June to 1 September 2024. The exhibition has been extended and will be on display until December 15th, 2024
Photo: The Stalin 1200 miniature model built by Eero Kumanto, known from the Fingerpori cartoons.