Finland on the Move in the 1920s

Everyday mobility is changing

In 2022, Mobilia will focus on road transport in the 1920s. The number of cars grew strongly during the decade. Bus and coach transport changed the way we moved around in everyday life. Similarly, bicycles enabled a multiplication of daily journeys. Motorcycles were a significant part of the motor vehicle fleet. The decade was also a time for motorsport training. Motorists’ organisations were founded. The number of driving licences issued to women increased, especially in Helsinki. And let’s not forget that Prohibition was in force for the whole decade, with its moonshine cars and speakeasies.

‘Finland on the Move in the 1920s’ features vehicles of the era, from the most common means of transport to the rarer specimens. The exhibition will also feature advice to motorists from a gentleman driver, information on bus and coach travel, and the experiences of a female driver.

The header photo shows Fredrik Tamminen’s Opel in the 1920s. Photo: Mobilia

Finland on the Move in the 1920s in Mobilia 18 March to 18 Dec 2022

Logossa vihreänharmaa alue, jonka takana punainen väri varjona. Laatikossa valkoinen aaltomainen teksti Suomi liikkeelle ja sen alla kahdella rivilla isommilla punaisilla kirjaimilla 1920-luvulla. Punainen piirros kanttiautosta sivukuvana tekstien päällä.